The Colorado River is an important part of Texas and is known to be an exceptionally calm river. At different points along it, swimming, boating are kayaking are popular and safe. It will be helpful to remember if planning any water adventure, that much of Texas has experienced a drought in recent years and lower water levels could certainly impact the overall experience.
Permits are not required to enjoy the river, although renting tubes, boats, etc. may still be necessary. One distinct advantage of the mild winters that are so common in Central Texas is that there are occasionally still a few days in November and December that allow for outdoor water activities.
The Alamo City Rivermen’s Annual Overnight Freeze Trip
It is possible to live in or around Bastrop for many years and never to have heard of these brave, cold men. Each year, more than 100 brave souls use at least 60 boats to paddle their way down the Colorado River in the middle of the winter. They are fortified by hot grog, delicious food and probably by the knowledge that if they chicken out, everyone who finished the trip would know.
The entire event runs within Bastrop County and the Colorado River boasts the same easily accessible streams, with a correspondingly slow current, as it does throughout the state. Along the trip, the reason for the trip become more obvious and shows cliffs and bluffs that are not commonly seen by visitors. The open water also allows for the view (but not hunting) of unsuspecting animals and there is often an abundance of fish to be caught.
The Colorado River provides water to millions of Texas, entertainment to countless others and nutrition in the form of healthy fish that are just waiting to be caught. As long as Texans respect it, it will continue to provide the same benefits to future generations.