Although much of Bastrop is maintaining its resale value and curb appeal, as in any area, there will always be some parts that are rapidly becoming more popularity. For instance, homes that are close to Camp Swift are often sought after. In addition, Colony, Tahitian Village, Wyldwood and Circle D Estates/KC Estates are also popular options.
Some of these areas have experienced an astounding increase in home values. It is important to remember that the value of each home varies from one to another, and therefore no guarantees about future increases are possible. However, the numbers do not lie and they should play a role in any new home purchase.
Circle D Estates/KC Estates
With statistics beginning from 1990, these communities have proven themselves to be wise investments. In the last 24 years, the total neighborhood is estimated to have seen an increased value of more than 140% according to neighborhoodscout.com.
Tahitian Village
Tahitian Village is remarkably similar to Circle D and KC Estates. Their home values have appreciated in excess of 132% in the same 24 years. Those statistics include an annual growth rate of approximately 3.6%. It is interesting to point out that more than 1/3 of the people in this immediate area work in executive, professional or management positions and most families have a middle class income.
Camp Swift
Camp Swift has maintained its value over the years and is always likely to be in demand because of the area itself and its proximity to the base. Its value has increased by more than 80% since 1990, which lends itself to an annual improvement of more than 2.5%. Although its value has not increased as significantly as others, it is still a wonderful investment opportunity and a great place to raise a family.
In the last 24 years, lucky homebuyers in Wyldwood saw improvements of more than 158%. That is an average of just over 4% a year, with most residents usually having an upper- middle class income.
As Bastrop continues to grow over the next few years, home values are likely to increase. Whether it is a modest increase or a substantial one, this is the time to speak with a realtor about buying a home.